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3rd Grade Information


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Class Tag: I will use ClassTag for parent communication purposes. I will also post pictures and updates on things we are doing in class.

Daily Routines:

Morning Opening: Each day, our class will recite the Pledge of Allegiance and the Oklahoma State pledge. Afterward, we will observe a moment of silence.


ELA: Your child will work collaboratively in groups/partners as well as independently using stories from many different genres. They will bring their readers home on Tuesdays, please make sure you sign their reader after they read as it is for a grade. Most of our work will be completed and turned in through Google Classroom this year.

Math: Discussion, exploration, and hands-on experiences will be implemented during Math lessons. Should they not finish in class, they will bring him a paper titled “My Homework” with their Math homework for the night. In the event of distance learning, the Math will be completed online through our math program and Google Classroom.

Science: We will be learning physical, life, earth, and space science subjects this year. In the event of distance learning, the Science will be completed online through Studies Weekly and Google Classroom. I am also in charge of the school garden so we will be having hands-on experiences working in it as well. 

Social Studies: Our social studies topics include neighborhoods, communities, and Oklahoma history. In the event of distance learning the Science will be completed online through Studies Weekly and Google Classroom.


Grades will be entered on a weekly basis. If your child makes a grade below 70, they will be given the opportunity to correct their work for a better grade. I will take the average of both grades for their final grade.

Grading Scale:
A: 100-90% B: 89-80% C:79-70%
D:69-60% F: Below 60%

Homework is generally due the next school day and consists of nightly reading, practicing spelling words, and any unfinished work from the class day.